Victoria Park
Court Booking
Victoria Park, London E9 5HT (nearest postcode)
Between the Peoples Park Tavern and St Marks Gate
4 Porous Macadam Courts
Hitting / Practice Wall
2 Public Toilets close to the courts
No water fountain currently
Cycle racks next to court gate, please double lock your bikes

Key Terms and Conditions
to help public facilities work for everyone
Maximum of 1 or 2 consecutive hours play per day (one session on court)
Avoid playing on consecutive days at peak times.
Booking for recreational play only. By contract with Tower Hamlets Council, no coaching / tennis services or other organised tennis.
Maximum group size 4 players.
Person booking must be present on court number booked
We reserve the right to cancel bookings to encourage broad access.
Booking Tips
we see very high demand for peaktime courts
Court is available to book if a price is shown, if FULL all courts reserved, if blank court is unavailable/closed
Bookings open around 7 days in advance, with some variation across locations
At busy times, book one hour at a time. complete payment immediately.
Booking is only confirmed on your receipt of confirmation email, if you do not receive confirmation within 10 minutes of booking, please email us
At The Courts
for a relaxed time on court for all
Please play on the court number booked
Wait until your booking time to enter courts (unless your court is free)
Be respectful of other players
Do not walk onto another court or behind other players if a rally is ongoing
Ask for stray balls to be returned, rather than going to retrieve them
Adults - £4 or 6 per hour (peak/off-peak)
U18s & Senior Citizens -£2 discount
Need help to get on court ? Please email us
​One session on court per day of 1 or 2 consecutive hours
Avoid playing on consecutive days at peak times
Recreational Tennis only - no coaching`